
KEY Nurseries is a network that aims to provide children with a rich educational environment that helps build their life skills. KEY Nursery offers children opportunities to grow in a unique child-centric environment that fosters diversity, language development, and child empowerment.  The nurseries achieve this goal through the KEY System®, a comprehensive and coherent curriculum taught in French, Arabic, and English.  

Our nurseries’ curriculum caters to children’s needs starting from 2 months to 4 years and 9 months of age. Across five class levels, our instructors and educational experts ensure that children receive the attention and learning they need at their specific age level, to develop into well-rounded young individuals who have the skills needed to leave the nursery and be successful in their educational and life journey. 

At our nurseries, the curricula is delivered by having children with varying abilities and interests work together in small groups on open-ended, short and long-term projects that aim to provoke children’s creative thinking and problem-solving abilities and allow different possibilities of exploration, enabling children to develop skills in a variety of areas.  

Thank you for all the hard work you do on a daily basis. Adam is very happy, and we are too. We really appreciate the effort, care, and love you give all the children.

Mission, Vision & Guiding Principles

We strive to build children’s life skills in a safe and secure learning environment where creativity is encouraged, where lifelong learning is fostered, and where each child’s well-being and happiness is a key priority.

We aim to make a lasting impact on society one child at a time, by providing them with the knowledge and skills to become prosperous and innovative citizens of the world.

Childcare focused on safety, health and quality education.
Children engage in developmentally appropriate activities and take an active role in their own learning.
All interactions are driven by respect, equity, honesty and integrity.
Every member is responsible and takes ownership of the results of their words and actions.
Maintain a diverse and inclusive environment where children, parents, teachers and staff are valued.

"KEY Nursery! Congrats! U are the best ever."

Strategic Plan

KEY Nursery aims to steadily and strategically expand over the coming years in order to offer a greater number of children with the opportunity to benefit from our educational system. Our strategic plan involves partnering with institutions who share our commitment to positively shape children’s future.  

We have a variety of partnership opportunities for like-minded organizations in order to deliver our services to a greater number of children. The three models we currently employ for our network of nurseries are: fully-owned, joint venture, and fully managed. 

"The best nursery by far! Miss you."

Curriculum & Methodology


KEY Nursery follows a well-established educational approach, the KEY System®, which provides children with an early childhood education that is project based, child-centric and multilingual.  

The system has been carefully put together by our team of education experts who understand that the first several years of a child’s life are critical to their long-term development. 

This system draws on international best practices in early childhood education and delivers a comprehensive program that allows children to become active participants in their own development, opening the way toward optimal growth and learning. It also enables children to develop critical life skills and become well-rounded individuals who have the ability to face the challenges and journey of life.
The KEY System® is based on children’s needs, academic curiosity, and socio-cultural concerns. Because language is an important development catalyst we offer instruction in several languages. Not only does that support children’s cognitive development, but it helps prepare them to engage with today’s diverse world, and ensure they have a greater chance at succeeding both in their educational and life paths. The KEY System® also has the unique feature of adapting to language.


Our curricula focus on five key areas: cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development. Cognitive development involves reasoning, intelligence, language development, and memory. Linguistic development involves comprehension, expression, and communication. Social development includes hygiene, interpersonal skills, and self-management skills (autonomy). Emotional development is the ability to experience, regulate and express a range of emotions. Physical development involves fine motor skills and gross motor skills. By providing instruction tailored to building these five areas, children leave our nurseries with critical early skills and competencies. 

At all the nurseries, the curricula are delivered by having children with varying abilities and interests work together in small groups on open-ended, short and long-term projects that aim to provoke children’s creative thinking and problem-solving abilities and allow different possibilities of exploration, enabling children to develop skills in a variety of areas.

We provide rich, full- immersion trilingual curriculum, giving children valuable language skills and a significant edge in life  

Inclusive Environment

At KEY Nursery we believe that all children, with or without special needs, should have a positive educational experience and opportunity to develop their skills and abilities among their peers. We also believe that other children benefit from a diverse range of peers, as such exposure ensures that they grow up with an open mind and open heart.  
As such, our nurseries aim to provide an inclusive environment where every child is embraced. In that respect, we welcome special needs children and offer them equal opportunities to experience our unique curriculum and learning environment. 
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